Anyways, on to the real reason for this post. I'm getting really good at making shitty GoPro videos!
I've been into photography ever since I can remember, but for some reason filming has always escaped me. Turns out making videos is pretty difficult. It's been a slow evolution for me. When I first got my GoPro I would attach it to either myself or my bike, turn it on then go home wand watch the footage. It has been a slow evolution: getting different angles, setting up shots, editing them together. Most of the time I just want to ride, so setting up shots falls by the wayside.
Since the sierras are going up in flames, I decided to spend some time getting some footage on the Tyrolean downhill in Incline Village. I've ridden this trail a million and it is one of my favorites close to home. Fast, flowy single track with plenty of jumps and technical descents mixed in makes for a really fun trail. Still messing around with editing and getting a feel for putting together a cohesive story about the trail. Trying to put together a real video soon. Keep shredding
Since the sierras are going up in flames, I decided to spend some time getting some footage on the Tyrolean downhill in Incline Village. I've ridden this trail a million and it is one of my favorites close to home. Fast, flowy single track with plenty of jumps and technical descents mixed in makes for a really fun trail. Still messing around with editing and getting a feel for putting together a cohesive story about the trail. Trying to put together a real video soon. Keep shredding